Recognising the importance of taking a whole school approach to wellbeing, Star, Mirdif, has a number of progressive and ever-evolving support programmes in place to promote the positive mental health and socio-emotional wellbeing of our school community. Wellbeing initiatives for students are embedded into our core curriculum through the provision of mindfulness activities in classrooms, as well as daily wellbeing and circle time sessions.

We value emotions
We value emotions

For students in Year 3 upwards, we have invested in a tool called Pulse. This online system allows students to ‘check in’ and reach out to staff for support and guidance. Pastoral teams are provided with weekly data to show how students are feeling, which allows them to plan comprehensive pastoral curriculums. In addition to this, Star, Mirdif, strives to establish early intervention, undertake wellbeing assessments, and has a pastoral care team that is actively involved in ensuring our students and their families feel valued, supported and heard.
Star, Mirdif, also has a school counsellor on site to provide individual and/or group counselling sessions in a confidential setting, alongside run social emotional learning lessons across key year groups. Our school counsellor also runs parent workshops and works with external agencies when required.